The STFC SHE Management System consists of separate
Health and Safety and Environment management statements supported by a suite of about 40 SHE codes. Based on relevant legislation, SHE Codes outline the STFC's approach to managing SHE hazards and the standard of controls expected. STFC SHE codes enact the implementation of the UKRI H&S Management System and its associated H&S codes, the cross correlation of STFC and UKRI codes
can be found here.
The STFC SHE Management System consists of separate
Health and Safety and Environment management statements supported by a suite of about 40 the SHE codes. Based on relevant legislation, SHE Codes outline the STFC's approach to managing SHE hazards and the standard of controls expected. STFC SHE codes enact the implementation of the UKRI H&S Management System and its associated H&S codes.
STFC maintains a list of relevant legislation that it is required to adhere to -
STFC SHE Legal Register.
This page contains the most up to date versions of all STFC codes. If you have any questions or concerns with regard to Safety Codes please contact your local SHE advisor.
Codes can also be
viewed by groups relevant to specific disciplines for example engineering, science, civil/construction, environmental etc. as task related categories.
Short summaries of all SHE codes are collated in a printable overview available here, those SHE codes that have been significantly updated in the past year have the
date highlighted in red.
Within SHE Group Codes are assigned to
SHE Code Leads should you have any specific questions or concerns about a particular SHE code’s content, SHE code leads can be
found on this page and are a first point of contact.
(+) Contact STFC SHE Group for access to these codes