06 Dec 2010



SHE related Forms and Templates




If you are having problems downloading any of these documents, try 'Right click' on the link and 'Save link/​target as' to save a copy locally which can then be opened.​

Risk assessment forms​

Download these model assessments to your local machine and edit them to suit the local circumstances

Activity Risk assessment (standard) Wo​rd |PDF
​Personal Risk assessment
​Risk Assessment (On the Job)
Word | PDF
​Office risk assessment template
W​ord | PDF
​COSHH risk assessments​​
Guidance notes
Workstation risk assessments​​
Guidance notes
​Work experience risk assessment
(Contact Public Engagement for more info)​
​Preview Link (no data will be collected)
STFC method statement template
Wo​rd | PDF​ 
Manual handling assessment​
Excel |Word|PDF
Guidance notes
UK driving and overseas travel​
​New or expectant mothers risk assessment W​ord ​| PDF
​For Radiati​on Risk Assessments see

Radiation Protection Information Nucleus

Examples of 'good' Risk Assessments
Examples ​
​Tenant FRA information form
Word te​mplate

Equipment, Laboratory and Area forms/information

Property disposal​​ - see 'disposal of property' section on this page...

Disposal of prop​erty

Clearance certificate Word |PDF
​Electrical Safety pro-formas
PDFs for information 
Lab or Area Clearance Checksheet
Word template 
Building or Office relocation checklist
Word template
​SHE requirements for new building projectsWord checklist
​CDM template forms and checklists​

Statutory Inspections

Pressure Systems​

RAL Pressure Systems Change of Liaison Officer - Asset Location
Word template

RAL Pressure Systems New Asset Registration / Modification / Removal Template
Word template


RAL LOLER-PUWER Change of Liaison Officer - Asset Location
Word template
RAL LOLER-PUWER New Asset Registration / Modification / Removal Template
Word template


RAL LEV Change of Liai​son Office - Asset Location
Word template

RAL LEV New Asset Registration / Modification / Removal Template
Word template

Misc forms/information

Purchase, loan or transfer of radioactive se​aled sources​​
Radiation Protection Information Nucleus
Personal emergency evacuation plans
PEEP Assessment | PEEP template Guidance notes
Laboratory/Workshop/Plant Room Hazard Warning Posters
Word template
Guidance notes
STFC Public Events Example Events Risk Assessment.docx
Guidance notes
Departmental Safety Committee Report template Word template
SHE Audit Report template Word template
RAL Isostock user guide

Guidance notes.

New starter information and ​checklist​
Guidance notes
​​Lea​ver checklist
Word te​mplate
​Agenda template for SHE Management Committees
Word template
​Application to become a First Aider
​Word template
​Safety Tour checklist (offices)
​Safety Tour checklist (labs and workshops)
​​Incident Investigation for RIDDOR and SOP's Incidents
​Word Checklist


Contact: SHE Web Administrator