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Related UKRI code
The most recent significant changes to this document are highlighted in red.
| Initial launch
| June 2008
1.1 | Minor changes to section 3.1, addition of 'extension leads' to Appendix 2. | June 2009 |
1.2 | Amendment to audit checklist | May 2013 |
1.3 | Minor change to definition 3.1 | March 2014 |
| Add Document Retention appendix and related changes to responsibilities.
| January 2015
| General revision and inclusion of Department based PAT testers and PAT Liaison Officers
| December 2015
| Minor change to training matrix
| February 2016
| Minor change to Schedule A equipment
| March 2017
| Minor change (to printable PDF) to reflect formation of UKRI
| October 2018
| Minor review of all sections, with Appendix 3, 4 and 5 inserted
| May 2019
| STFC Electrical Safety committee review - minor changes to scope, section 4.1.1, Appendix 1 and microwave ovens
| August 2019
| Minor change in terminology as per 4.3 and 4.7
| January 2020
| Update to Appendix 2
| March 2020
| Further clarification of changes to 4.3, 4.5, 4.7 and Appendix 2
| January 2022
| Additional information for clarification in 4.5.3, Appendix 1 and Appendix 3
| February 2022
| Appendix 5 reviewed and updated, and clarification on equipment use off site
| October 2022
| Electrical Safety Committee reviewed and approved major changes, referenced 5th Edition, IET Code of Practice | October 2024
Changes resulting in version 4.0 were extensive and readers should assume that significant portions of the body and Appendices have changed.
1. Purpose
Electrical equipment is used extensively throughout STFC and includes mobile, hand-held, stationary, built-in, and fixed equipment, along with extension leads, multiway adaptors, laptop power supplies and IT equipment. The purpose of this code and electrical legislation is to ensure that all electrical systems and equipment are maintained, inspected and tested to prevent danger. Electrical equipment should only be used for the purpose for which it was intended and in the environment for which it was designed and constructed.
Electrical maintenance is the subject of extensive and detailed legislation and guidance:
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)Electricity at Work Regulations 1989Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016Supply of Machinery Regulations 2008Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment Regulations 2006 (WEEE directive)Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment (IET)Machinery DirectiveHSE publication, INDG236, ‘Maintaining portable electrical equipment in low-risk environments.This code outlines STFC policy for the periodic inspection and testing of electrical equipment to determine whether it is fit for continued service or if maintenance or replacement is necessary.
2. Scope
This code is applicable to all electrical equipment used by staff, users, visitors, contractors and tenants whilst working on STFC sites or engaged on STFC business, irrespective of location.
It clarifies the demarcation between in service electrical equipment connected to a fixed electrical installation and the electrical installation itself. Generally fixed wiring electrical inspections will verify the installation as far as the connection point for equipment. This can leave many items of permanently installed electrical equipment failing to be checked, as they neither come under portable appliance testing regime or under the fixed wire inspection and testing programme.
Consequently, this code reinforces the need to include all electrical equipment that does not come under fixed wire inspection and testing programmes.
All contractors, users and tenants are responsible for ensuring that their electrical equipment brought on to STFC sites is suitably inspected and tested, presenting evidence as such prior to use.
This code applies to purchased or hired electrical equipment and electrical equipment constructed / manufactured in-house. All electrical equipment designed and constructed / manufactured in-house must comply with appropriate Standards.
The electrical equipment covered by this code includes but is not limited to:
- Mobile equipment such as desk lights, toasters, mobile phone chargers and fan heaters;
- Stationary equipment such as workshop equipment (for example welders, bench grinders and mills) IT racks and server bays and vending machines;
- Fixed equipment, such as lighting, hand driers, boilers, alarm or security panels, electric towel rails and fixed audio visual (AV) equipment such as monitors and projectors;
- Hand-held equipment, such as hair dryers, floor polishers and power tools;
- Built-in appliances or equipment, such as dishwashers and refrigerators;
- IT equipment, such as laptop power supplies, monitors, computers, and printers;
- Extension leads, RCD extension leads, multiway adapters, RCD adapters and electrical vehicle charging leads;
- Electric vehicle charging equipment (not coming under another maintenance regime: see also the IET code of practice for electric vehicle charging equipment installation);
- Electric heating equipment (for example storage heaters, immersion heaters, etc) and
- Electrical installations in office furniture and similar (see also BS6396 Electrical systems in office furniture and educational furniture-specification).
The safety and proper functioning of electrical equipment depends on the integrity of the fixed installation. A system for inspection and testing of the fixed installation shall be established, see
Appendix 5 and should be verified in accordance with BS7671 – Requirements for Electrical Installations.
Fixed electrical equipment directly coupled to the electrical system (such as through a connection unit or spur) should be considered as part of this code.
Installations of a temporary nature may require additional testing to comply with BS7909 - Temporary Electrical Systems for Entertainment and Related Purposes.
3. Definitions
3.1 Electrical equipment
Electrical Equipment is any item for such purposes as generation, conversion, transmission, distribution or utilisation of electrical energy, such as machines, transformers, equipment, measuring instruments, protective devices, wiring systems, accessories, appliances and luminaires.
3.2 Programme Manager
Programme Manager is an individual whose role is to manage Inspection and Test Operatives and control risks associated with electrical equipment, as describe in this code
3.3 Fixed Electrical Equipment
Fixed Electrical Equipment is designed to be permanently fastened or otherwise secured in a specific location. Such equipment is not typically connected to the installation via plug and socket outlet.
3.4 Classification
Classification of electrical equipment is classified in terms of the method of protection the equipment construction provides against electric shock. Class I, II and III are common equipment categories, see
Appendix 2 for more detail.
3.5 Electric Vehicle
Electric Vehicle is any vehicle that uses stored electrical energy including, but not restricted to electric bicycles
3.6 Frequency of Inspection and Testing
Frequency of Inspection and Testing depends on likelihood of maintenance being required and the consequences of lack of maintenance. A robust risk assessment should be carried out in all cases, to evaluate the frequencies between inspection and testing. Risk encompasses many factors, such as environment, construction, equipment type frequency of use and installation method
3.7 In-Service Electrical Equipment
In-Service Electrical Equipment is any electrical equipment covered in IET code of practice that does not come under any other established electrical safety management process in the workplace
3.8. STFC Business
STFC Business is any activity whilst under the employment of STFC, irrespective of location, including working remotely.
3.9. Test Operative
Test Operative is a person competent to inspect and test electrical equipment and based on the results; state that the equipment is safe or otherwise for continued use. Training and experience will both be necessary. HSE guidance HSG107 Maintaining Portable Electrical Equipment recognises two levels of competency for test Operatives:
Level 1: A person not skilled in electrical work who routinely uses a simple ‘pass/fail’ type of test instrument where no interpretation of readings is necessary. The person would need to know how to use the equipment correctly. Providing the appropriate test procedure is rigorously followed and acceptance criteria are clearly defined.
Level 2: A person with appropriate electrical skills, who uses a more sophisticated instrument that gives readings requiring interpretation. Such a person would need to be competent through technical knowledge or experience related to this type of work
3.10. Schedule A
Schedule A electrical equipment must be tested and inspected at least annually. In general schedule A equipment are usually hand-held or moveable equipment that are operated in an arduous environment, frequently used and of class 1 or 11 construction. See
Appendix 6 for examples of Schedule A equipment.
3.10.1 All new internally supplied IT equipment shall be visually inspected on arrival and then tested within 12 months, then in accordance with Schedule A or B as appropriate.
3.10.2 Electrical power leads shall be tested to the schedule at which the equipment they supply is tested. Power leads not connected to equipment at the time of testing must be tested when brought into services to appropriate Schedule.
3.11 Schedule B
Schedule B electrical equipment must be tested and inspected at least every four years. In general schedule B equipment is usually fixed, stationary or built-in appliances used in benign environments, frequency of use can vary and of class 1 or 11 construction. See
Appendix 6 for examples of Schedule B equipment
4. Responsibilities
4.1 Estates Services - Electrical Equipment Inspection and Test Programme Manager shall:
4.1.1. Organise and execute an inspection and testing programme for Schedule A and B - electrical equipment, according to the schedule defined in 3.10 & 3.11 using electrical equipment inspection and test operatives, see
Appendix 1. Disposal or repair of faulty electrical equipment is the responsibility of the Department / User in consultation with Estates Services.
4.1.2. Ensure that all companies contracted to perform inspection and testing supply risk assessment, method statements and staff competencies prior to work commencing.
4.1.3. Based upon the results of the inspection and testing programme ensure that a register of electrical equipment, its name and location, and a database of test results is established and retained in a shared location according to the schedule detailed in
Appendix 9.
4.1.4. Provide an ad hoc inspection and testing service for electrical equipment from departments where local test operatives have not been appointed and provide advice on electrical equipment safety as required.
4.1.5. Consult with the department electrical equipment liaison officers as recorded on SHE Directory.
4.1.6. Produce an annual report summarising the results and recommendations from the inspection and testing programme for review by the STFC electrical safety committee.
4.2 Authorising Engineers (Electrical) shall:
4.2.1. Appoint in writing sufficient competent STFC staff or contractors as electrical equipment inspection and test operatives within Estate Services to undertake annual inspection and testing programmes, see
Appendix 6, ensuring that they are suitably trained and experienced, recording names in the STFC SHE Directory.
4.2.2. Appoint, or nominate others to appoint in writing sufficient competent electrical equipment inspection and test operatives to support departments, see
Appendix 6, to compliment the annual inspection and testing programmes ensuring that they are suitably trained and experienced, recording names in the STFC SHE Directory.
Note: Departmental test operatives may be required in departments where:
- Large numbers of external/facility user equipment is receipted;
- Electrical equipment is in-house designed and constructed;
- Equipment cannot be made available for site annual inspections due to operational constraints for example within radiation areas.
4.3 Departmental Portable Electrical Equipment Test Operatives shall:
4.3.1. Be suitably trained in accordance with
Appendix 7.
4.3.2. Complement the inspection and testing programme, undertake inspection and test of electrical equipment as required by departmental staff, to the schedule defined in 3.9 & 3.10.
4.4 Departmental Electrical Equipment Inspection and Test Programme Manager or Operative Shall:
4.4.1. Maintain a register of inspected and tested electrical equipment, recording the date and results of the equipment tested, see
Appendix 1 and
Appendix 9.
4.4.2. Ensure that departmental electrical equipment test records are retained according to the schedule detailed in
Appendix 9 and are available for review.
- 4.4.3. Produce an annual report summarising the results and recommendations from the inspection and testing records for review by the STFC electrical safety committee.
4.5 Managers and Supervisors Shall:
4.5.1. As appropriate nominate sufficient staff to be appointed as electrical inspection and test operatives and liaison officers.
4.5.2. As appropriate, ensure that all electrical equipment is inspected and tested in accordance to this code.
4.5.3. Ensure that staff are aware of their responsibilities with regards to the selection and use of electrical equipment, see 4.6, and that items of electrical equipment, including extension leads, are only used for the purpose for which they are intended and in the environment for which it was designed and constructed, see
Appendix 2.
4.5.4. Ensure that all persons bringing electrical equipment onto STFC sites can demonstrate that it has been inspected and tested prior to use. Including scientific equipment and travel adapters.
4.5.5. Ensure, directly or through their staff, that all electrical equipment for which they are responsible is safe to use, ensuring that when faults or defects are found, or suspected, they are taken out of service, and as appropriate reported as a Learning Opportunities (hazardous conditions/near misses), see
SHE code 5, “Incident Reporting and Investigation”.
4.6 Staff, users, visitors, tenants and contractors shall:
4.6.1. Ensure that items of electrical equipment are only used for the purpose for which it was intended and in the environment for which it was designed and constructed, see Appendix 2.
4.6.2. Ensure that all new electrical equipment is procured from a reputable retailer / manufacturer with an approved quality certificate. E.g. Approved CE mark and is Inspected and tested prior to use.
4.6.3. Any electrical equipment brought onto site by contractors, tenants or visitors must display a valid test label and have a recognised accreditation (i.e. Approved CE mark), this equipment may be used without a further test being required. When IT equipment is brought on to STFC sites for up to 2 days, a visual inspection of the equipment by the host is sufficient to allow the temporary use of the IT equipment, see
Appendix 2.
4.6.4. Check integrity of equipment, by visually inspecting all electrical equipment prior to use, to check for damage, loose cables, etc. See
Appendix 2.
4.6.5. Do not use electrical equipment without a test label verifying when the inspection / test took place (for new equipment see 3.10.1 – IT Equipment only). Each label will display the recommended frequency of test; this will be either 1 Year or 4 Years. If this period has expired, then such equipment should be considered unsafe and reported to line management.
4.6.6. Identify and report faulty electrical equipment and withdraw it from service, by ensuring it cannot be used and/or is marked faulty, and as appropriate report it as a Learning Opportunity (hazardous condition) see
SHE code 5, “Incident Reporting and Investigation”.
4.6.7. Where Residual Current Devices (RCD’s) are fitted to equipment) it is the user’s responsibility to test the device using the Test button (T) prior to each period of use.
4.7 Directors shall:
4.7.1. As appropriate, ensure there are sufficient departmental electrical equipment liaison officers to provide local contacts for the annual electrical equipment inspection and testing programme, recording their names in the
STFC SHE Directory.
4.7.1. As appropriate, ensure there are sufficient departmental electrical equipment liaison officers to provide local contacts for the annual electrical equipment inspection and testing programme, recording their names in the STFC SHE Directory.
4.7.2. Appoint Authorising Engineers in accordance with
SC34 Electrical Safety.
4.7.3. Nominate as required suitable Electrical Equipment Inspection and Test Programme Managers.
4.8 Departmental Electrical Equipment Liaison Officers (EELOs) shall:
4.8.1. Establish a thorough understanding of the location of all electrical equipment within the scope of their appointment and any accessibility constraints due to operational activities. Identify and locate any sensitive electrical equipment for whom specific care needs to be observed when undertaking inspection and testing.
4.8.2. Ensure Estates Services are informed of their appointment as an electrical equipment liaison officers and areas of responsibilities.
4.8.3. Act as the primary contact for the areas defined in their scope of appointment, for test operatives managed by Estate Services. Ensure that test operatives are directed to all locations and make sure electrical equipment is available. Highlight the location of sensitive electrical equipment before inspection / testing undertaken.
4.8.4. Report to Estate Services the effective completion of inspection and testing within their area of responsibility and as appropriate report to Estate Services instances where the performance of test operative falls below contracted performance or expectations.
4.8.5. Where local operational constraints have prevented the completion of inspection and testing in all or part of their area of responsibility, make alternative arrangements for inspection and testing to be completed by Estate Services, or where appointed a departmental test operative.
4.8.6. Successfully complete and refresh as required the
Bitesize SC17 training.