The Health and Safety at Work Act places a duty on every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that employees and other people on our sites (e.g., visitors, contractors, etc.) are not exposed to risks to their health or safety. The HSWA and Management Regulations include a legal requirement for 'suitable and sufficient' risk assessments.
Risk Assessment Forms
General activities:
Health related risk assessments:
Other pro-formas for risk assessment:
Office risk assessment – a useful proforma for 100% office based staff
On the Job pad - for low risk activities that are one offs, repeated activities should be covered by a full risk assessment (pads can be collected from SHE Group)
If you are involved in writing or reviewing risk assessment then please contact the people below for in person training:
For awareness training on risk assessment, see
Risk Assessment Awareness Video (
instructions on how to locate training courses on Totara)
- This video is intended as an awareness tool and refresher for those already trained. It is not intended to replace the in-person STFC risk assessment course, contact your local SHE team to arrange this if you perform risk assessments as part of your role.
- Ignore the link to the free risk assessment tool advertised on slide 22/23. Instead you should use the STFC word template linked above or enter your risk assessment data onto Evotix Assure, also linked below.
- Video takes approximately 30 mins to complete
For more information on the requirement of Regulations and STFC policy relating to risk assessment see:
Where should I store my risk assessments?
STFC policy is to store risk assessments on
Evotix Assure (excluding health related assessments). For information on how to use Evotix Assure see the below video tutorials:
Other proformas for risk assessment
Whilst all risk assessments conform to the 5 principles stated above, some industry sector specific legislation includes explicit requirements for risk assessment which are recorded in proformas specific to the relevant hazard. Examples, together with the relevant SHE Code are detailed below:
SHE Code 37 – COSHH: Control of Substances Harmful to Health
SHE Code 20 – DSEAR: Dangerous Substances Explosives Atmospheres Regulations
Ionising radiation
There are also Regulations which explicitly state a requirement for risk assessment. However, these hazards can be covered in Dept activity risk assessments. These include: Noise, DSE, Manual Handling, Confined Spaces, Legionella, Asbestos, Lead and Vibration.