SC34 Summary
02 Dec 2014



Code Summary





  • Electrocution/electric shock
  • Electric fires
  • Electrical burns

Roles affected

All staff, contractors, visitors and facility users.


This code establishes a hierarchy of electrical responsible officers: Authorising Engineers (electrical); Authorised Persons (Electrical); Nominated Persons (Electrical); Persons in Charge; and Accompanying Safety Persons to undertake electrical works. Live Electrical working – must be avoided whenever possible and only in exceptional circumstances authorised by an Authorising Engineer (Electrical) undertaken. The use of risk assessment and method statements are defined by the code for electrical work, supported by a range of pro formas for specific electrical works.

STFC operations involve the widespread and pervasive use of electricity from low voltage/domestic electrical systems to high voltage distribution systems and scientific equipment. Electrical Safety is subject to extensive regulatory controls and codes of practice and applies to anyone working on STFC sites who specifies, designs, fabricates, procures, installs, tests, works on or near, commissions, operates, modifies, maintains/repairs, inspects, and decommissions electrical and electronic equipment – staff or contractors.

This code, differentiates between two general types of electrical equipment with separate and detailed appendices for each:

  • Distribution Electrical Systems – generally the responsibility of CSD Estates teams but also in some Departments; and
  • Experimental Electrical Systems​ – for example ISIS, CLF, Radiation Test Facilities at DL.
Contact: SHE Web Administrator