SC34 - Training
26 Nov 2014



Appendix C




Authorising Engineers (Electrical)
Authorising Engineer Course Course should address the following topics:
  • Introduction to electrical safe systems of work;
  • Structure of roles and responsibilities of persons in these systems;
  • Practical and procedural aspects of safe working practices;
  • Nomination, evaluation, appointment and auditing of Authorised Persons; Candidate interviews;
  • Training requirements for new and in post Authorised Persons; and
  • Termination procedures for Authorised Persons.
And include practical experience applying safe working procedures on a range of typical High Voltage and Low Voltage Equipment arranged to provide simulated circuits.
Trainees should be assessed in both written and practical exercises, so that on completion of the course, the training organisation can make an independent assessment of their suitability and technical competence.
 5 years
To be eligible for appointment, a prospective Authorising Engineer shall:
  • be a Chartered Engineer, in an appropriate electrical engineering discipline or as a minimum IEng,
  • have extensive relevant experience in the type of installations and safe systems of work for which they are to become responsible.
  • a working knowledge of the Electricity at Work Regulations;
  • have completed an approved Authorised Person training course and received a satisfactory marking in the last three years or within six months of a first-time appointment;
  • be familiar with the different types of Equipment, installations and systems in use within the STFC site(s) under their control;
  • have a basic knowledge of the systems employed on the site(s) for which they become responsible, and become familiar with the more complex systems;
  • be able to demonstrate their competence and suitability for the role by demonstrating a good understanding of the tasks involved and knowledge of the safe systems of work;
  • be an employee of STFC and passed STFC Technical managers training;
  • have an adequate knowledge of and, within the last 3 years, have received electrical First-Aid training.

Courses Available: Wherever possible attend a City and Guilds accredited / assured course delivered by providers who are familiar with the practices detailed in this Electrical Safety Codes​.
Authorised Person (Electrical)
(inc. Co-ordinating Authorised Person)
Authorised Persons Courses The type of training will depend upon what equipment the candidate has responsibility for and for what systems appointment is intended. See Appendix C.2.

Authorised Person should be able to demonstrate for the systems, installations and equipment for which they are responsible:
  • a good working knowledge of the operation of this SHE Code, the role and duties of Authorised Person and any other relevant regulations.
  • a good working knowledge of the layout of the electrical distribution system.
  • a good working knowledge of the operation under normal, failure and fault conditions, of all the principal components of the systems and installations for which authorisation is being sought, such as switchgear, distribution Equipment and standby generating sets;
  • practical experience, under the direct supervision of an experienced Authorised Person, of the operation of the Electrical Equipment forming part of the system or installation;
  • knowledge of the location of, how to obtain access to and the use of all the appropriate Protective Equipment, Voltage detectors including appropriate Test Supplies (proving units), where applicable High Voltage Potential Indicators including appropriate Test Supplies (proving units), Earthing Equipment and Safety Signs;
  • a good understanding of all the necessary safety measures to be taken to prevent danger or, where appropriate, injury, and to prevent damage to Equipment;
  • knowledge of electricity supply authorities and contractors, having operation, repair or maintenance contracts.
On-Site Training Consists of putting into practice, under the supervision of an experienced Authorised Person, the knowledge gained during the familiarisation period and on training courses. During this period the prospective Authorised Person is to keep a record of each event attended, detailing the actions taken both personally and by the Authorised Person. This record is to be reviewed with the Authorising Engineer.
 5 years

To be eligible for appointment, a prospective Electrical Authorised Person shall:

  • have five years relevant experience;
  • have an adequate knowledge of this SHE Code and Electrical Regulations, which are applicable to the systems and installations for which the appointment is sought;
  • be technically competent and qualified to be able to safely operate, and make safe to work on or test the systems, installations and Equipment for which appointment is sought;
  • be experienced in the selection and appointment of suitably qualified and experienced Nominated Persons and Accompanying Safety Persons;
  • be familiar with the systems, installations and Equipment for which appointment is sought, including where applicable work on or near live low voltage Electrical Equipment;
  • within the last 5 years have successfully completed an appropriate Authorised Person training course;
  • have an adequate knowledge of and, within the last 3 years, have received electrical First-Aid training.
Courses Available: Commercially available City and Guilds accredited / assured HV and LV training. delivering a course based on this electrical safety code. STFC Technical managers training course – SHE arranged
Nominated Person Due to the wide scope of potential electrical activity across STFC sites it is not possible to define specific training courses as a pre-requisite for an Electrical Nominated Person.

For example:

  • Fire Alarm
  • Air Conditioning
  • Access control
  • Cable jointers
  • etc.

The type of training will depend upon what equipment the candidate has responsibility for and for what systems the appointment is intended. The training must be STFC approved and be based on this SHE code.

Where nominated persons are entering/working within DSEAR/ATEX controlled areas, individuals will need to have appropriate training in accordance with BSEN60079-14

On-Site Training

Consists of putting into practice, under the supervision of an experienced Electrical Authorised or Nominated Person, the knowledge gained during the familiarisation period and on training courses.  During this period the prospective Nominated Person is to keep a record of each event attended, detailing the actions taken both personally and by the Electrical Authorised or Nominated Person. This record is to be reviewed with the Electrical Authorised Person.

Site based contractors

To appoint STFC site based term contractors as an Electrical Nominated Person they must:

  • hold a suitable qualification e.g. Electro-Technical Assessment Specification (EAS)
    attend a formal briefing* with the appropriate AP to cover the contents of this SHE Code

* Formal briefing based on this SHE Code to be developed by AEs to cover all STFC UK site.

 5 years

To be eligible for appointment, a prospective Electrical Nominated Person shall:

  • be able to demonstrate competence to undertake the work activities required;
  • be familiar with the types of installation and Equipment that they are required to work on or test;
  • possess the necessary technical knowledge, skill and experience relevant to the nature of the work activities to be undertaken, to prevent danger or, where appropriate, injury;
  • If electrical qualified have successfully undertaken technical training  administered by the Joint Industry Boards, the Electricity Supply Industry training Scheme, or some equivalent form of approved training and have attended an STFC approved training course (based on this SHE code);
  • If non-electrical qualified have attended an STFC approved training course (based on this STFC SHE Code).
  • Where the NP is not HV trained and require access they shall attend an STFC substation access course as determined by AE
  • have demonstrated an adequate knowledge of the relevant parts of this SHE Code, those Associated Regulations and Documents which are applicable to the installations and Equipment on which work or tests are to be undertaken;
  • have an adequate knowledge of, and within the preceding three years have received training in, Electrical First-Aid.
  • As required, access to substations may require substation access training or supervision from a trained individual
  • ​Those carrying temporary works under BS7909 covered under IET EAS work category A1.3 will require appropriate qualifications and experience
Courses Available:
STFC Electrical Nominated Persons course provided in house – through responsible Authorising Engineers including bespoke local elements.
​​Qualified Supervisor/ those carrying out electrical testing on fixed wire systemsIET Electrotechnical Assessment Specification including the following:

Current qualification to BS7671 and BS 2391

Plus, training as identified by the Authorising Engineer ​
BS7671 - Within 2 years of a version change​​In addition to any requirements for a nominated person:
Technical knowledge , occupational training, and practical skills.
Industry approved apprenticeship or similar, or accredited qualifications for experiences workers.
Registered as AQE on Sparksafe (or similar scheme) for QS role. Evidence of previous experience in a similar environment
​Courses Available:
​STFC Nominated Persons course provided in-house – through responsible Electrical Authorising Engineer or Authorised Person, including bespoke local elements. Additional training can be arranged with commercially available accredited providers, such Competent Person LV training, as requested by AP or AE​
Authorising Engineer,
Authorised Persons,
​Nominated Persons,
Accompanying Safety Persons
Electrical First Aid training (1/2 day)

Course syllabus:
  • The types of injuries that arise from working with electricity: electrocution/electric shock; arc flash; burns; inhalation etc.;
  • The effects on the body arising from:
    • Electrocution/electric shock;
    • Arc flash;
    • Electric burns; and
    • Secondary injuries arising from the above.
  • Emergency procedures to be followed in the case of injuries arising from working with electricity:
    • Calling for assistance – security and first aiders – site specific procedures;
    • Your personal safety and others attending the incident; and
    • Assessing and managing casualty(s) until first aider and others arrive.
  • Treatment of injuries arising from working with electricity:
    • Assessing and managing a conscious casualty – electrical burns/bleeding; arc flash; inhalation; and
    • Assessing and managing an unconscious casualty - basic life support (Cardiovascular Pulmonary Resuscitation [CPR]) for a non-breathing casualty.

 3 years
Courses Available: Delivered by a SHE approved and accredited supplier.
Contact: SHE Web Administrator