SC11 - Summary
06 Dec 2010



Code summary information





  • Asphyxiation
  • Explosive atmospheres

Roles affected

  • Maintenance staff
  • Estates inspecti​on staff



  • Sample risk assessment (WORD|PDF)
  • Confined Space entry checklist (WORD|PDF)
  • Confined Space entry card (WORD|PDF)
  • Confined Space Permit to Work (WORD|PDF​)

A confined space, spaces where getting in and out is a problem and where hazardous or toxic atmospheres can build up, is an easily overlooked hazards. STFC examples could include large sample chambers or detectors, drains, sewers, and tunnels. This code is relevant to all managers who are responsible for activities that take place in confined spaces.

Where ever possible it is best to avoid entering such spaces – where it can not - a prior risk assessment must be carried out before agreeing a written method statement or system of work. These must consider how a rescue might be undertaken - without endangering rescuers. Because of the nature of this hazard all work in confined spaces must be carried out under a 'permit to work' issued by an Authorised Issuer. This equally applies to contractors working for us.

Contact: SHE Web Administrator