Training is fundamental to ensuring STFC staff are competent to undertake activities where SHE hazards exist.
Mandatory SHE Training
STFC has a set of mandatory SHE training packages which must be completed by all staff, users and tenants who will be on STFC site(s) more than 2 days per week in a 3 month period. These training courses can be accessed using the link to the online training system below, if you are a member of STFC staff, please use the single sign in button in the bottom right of the login page.
STFC staff who are based at Polaris House ( Swindon) are required to undertake some of the courses detailed here as well as additional UKRI Polaris House specific mandatory training.
Please see this page.
The following courses are considered to be mandatory. NOTE: 4 and 5 are two separate requirements and both need to be completed:
SHE Induction
Fire Safety
3. Safe Manual Handling Training - Note: Practical, tutor led manual handling training is also required for some staff. If applicable you will receive an invitation to attend a session on site.
4.Display Screen Equipment Training (DSE).
5. Workstation Risk Assessment (DSE Assessment)
6. Electrical Safety Essentials
7.Asbestos Essentials
8. STFC Health and Safety Management Arrangements Bitesize
Further details of these packages and who should complete the mandatory training, including
refresher timescales can be found in
SHE Code 10 - Appendix 1.
STFC’s Learning Management System –
Totara - hosts all on-line SHE training courses
Click here for details
Hazard Specific SHE Training
In addition all line managers should carry out Risk Assessments to indentify the hazards associated with the activities their staff undertake and through this process identify hazard specific training needs.
'SHE Training Catalogue' should be used to help this process. Each hazard specific SHE code also includes a
training appendix giving further details on the relevant training.

Once training needs have been identified contact your
site specific SHE training contact to organise training.
Note that some Hazard Specific Training is mandatory before undertaking certain activities (for example Radiation Awareness training)
SHE Training Course Materials
Please visit the
'course materials page' to view and download content for the face-to-face SHE training courses.