SC35 - Appendix 1
06 Dec 2010



Site asbestos register




​The site asbestos register should contain the following information:

A plan of buildings indicating the known suspected or presumed location of asbestos containing materials. Where possible photographs of asbestos's location should be included.

For each location of asbestos containing material:

  • A description of the specific item;
  • Where the material is located (description or photograph);
  • How much materials is present (by area/volume etc);
  • Surface coating or containment of material;
  • The type of asbestos present;
  • An assessment of its condition;
  • An assessment of how accessible the material is;
  • An assessment of the risk assessment that underpins the decision to remove or manage in situ asbestos containing materials;
  • A priority code for their inspection, see below; and
  • General commentary.​

Inspection and Monitoring

All asbestos-containing materials detailed in the asbestos register shall be assigned a priority code. Inspection and monitoring of these materials is to be carried out at a periodicity dependent upon their priority code. The table below provides an example of ACM priority categorisation. Records of these inspections, together with updated information on the condition of the material, are to be kept by the Asbestos Control Officer.

Code Priority Inspection Periodicity
A Very Low Annually
B Low Annually
C Medium 6 monthly
D High 3 monthly

Where possible all ACMs should be removed or repaired such that their inspection priority is Low or Very Low.

Where asbestos is removed from a building the record of its location should be retained in the asbestos register, see Appendix 7.

Contact: SHE Web Administrator