SC33 - Training
09 Feb 2011



Appendix 6



Role Initial training Frequency Comments
Technicians who work on Pressure/Vacuum or Heating Systems  (Staff working regularly on building and maintaining such systems)

It is recognised that much of the training required for working with such systems takes the form of 'on-the-job' training.

Staff working regularly with Pressure/Vacuum or Heating systems as part of their role must have the relevant technical experience and knowledge for the work.

This may come from a range of sources:

  • Engineering apprenticeships;
  • formal engineering training via a degree, diploma or similar;
  • a large number of years of on the job training; or
  • training provided by equipment providers.
Pressure System Permit IssuersAt least five years experience of the type of systems they will be issuing permits on and attendance on a "managing confined space entry (PDF - 42kB - link opens in a new window)" course.5 Years 
Any user of a pressure or vacuum systemStandard induction provided for any new user to scientific or other equipment addressing:
  • safe start up/shut down procedures;
  • normal operational parameters and procedure​s;
  • possible failure modes and hazards of the equipment and appropriate response.
Refresher for each period of work 
Pressure/Vacuum System Design EngineersThose working as design engineers should have the relevant technical experience and knowledge to carry out the work.

This may either come from some sort of formal training or apprenticeship, or a large number of years of on the job training. They should be familiar with the appropriate design codes, the techniques required to assess the safety of a design and the design software in use.

Minimum requirement – Pressure Systems Safety Regulations Awareness (PSSR) Training.

Pressure/Vacuum system Nominated Engineers

Those working as Pressure/Vacuum system Nominated Engineers should be competent mechanical or chemical engineers with Chartered Engineer (CEng) status, or equivalent qualifications and experience.

They should also be actively engaged in the practical design and construction (or operation of) pressure or vacuum systems.

They should maintain their competence through a program of regular Continuous Professional Development (CPD)​ with the minimum requirement being Pressure Systems Safety Regulations Awareness (PSSR) Training to ensure current legislation is being followed.

Annual CPD as required to retain statusAppropriate level of experience for Chartered Engineers is five years relevant professional experience. Engineers without chartered status should have at least nine years experience in the type of Systems they are oversee​ing.
Any user of pressurised gas cylinders

Gas Cylinder Safety Awareness (1.5hrs):

  • Correctly identify gas cylinders.
  • Recognise the hazards associated with oxygen enrichment and deficiency.
  • Identify flammability hazards.
  • Recognise the hazards associated with handling gas cylinders.
  • Re-assess current storage facilities in accordance with safe working practices.
  • Identify hazards when transporting gas cylinders.
5 Years 

Contact: SHE Web Administrator