SC19 - Training
06 Dec 2010



Appendix 5




STFC staff involved in procuring and carrying out building work shall have appropriate experience and training to enable work to be carried out safely. In particular Building Work Co-ordinators shall have experience in the field of the work they are supervising.

For example Building Work Co-ordinators shall have electrical experience and knowledge in order to satisfactorily supervise electrical work, including knowledge of relevant legislation such as the Electricity at Work Act and the IEE Wiring Regulations. Alternatively the Building Work Co-ordinators shall engage other suitably qualified staff or consultants to provide such supervision. Staff carrying out the work shall be qualified electricians.

It is impossible to list all the experience and training required for each role as this is dependant on the specific type of work to be carried out. The following is the minimum general Health and Safety training that staff will be expected to have. Individual disciplines will require specific additional training.

Role Initial Training Refresher Frequency Comments
Building Work Co-ordinatorsBuilding Work Co-ordinators course 3 Years 
Asbestos Awareness training
​​​​See SHE Code 35, Asb​estos Management

Contact: SHE Web Administrator