SC06 - Appendix 2
06 Dec 2010



Risk Assessment Pro Formas




​SHE Group provide risk assessment templates which can be used based on the complexity and the inherent hazards of the task. Simple jobs which do not expose the worker to significant hazards might use the "on the job" template whereas a complicated job involving a number of hazardous tasks (heavy lifting, hazardous chemicals) might require a full quantitative risk assessment.

If you want to download copies of the WORD documents, 'Right click' on the link and do 'Save link/target as...'.

  1. "On the Job" risk assessment (Word (Word document - 55kB - link opens in a new window) ​| PDF (PDF - 67kB - link opens in a new window))​
  2. STFC template​ Risk Assessment (Word | P​DF)​
  3. Template method stat​ement (Word | PDF)

If you are looking for examples of 'good' Risk Assessments - here are a few

Contact: SHE Web Administrator