On behalf of the STFC welcome to the Cockcroft Institute (CI) - we hope your time working at the CI is productive and SAFE. While you, and colleagues from other partner Universities, work at Daresbury Laboratory you are required to follow the STFC’s SHE Management Systems –
SHE Codes. This approach ensures that a single set of SHE systems operate on the Daresbury Laboratory site avoiding confusion and the potential for misunderstanding. However, the University of Liverpool has responsibility for your health and safety.
Key STFC SHE information:
- All CI new starters MUST undertake the following on-line SHE training:
- Office based staff should read the
STFC Office Essentials;
- Please report any SHE incident or Near Miss at the CI using SHE Assure;
- All activity specific Risk Assessments should be undertaken using the procedures set out in STFC SHE Code 6: Risk Management. Copies of all Risk Assessments must be countersigned by Carsten Welsh and copies sent to the STFC SHE contact and also to the relevant Department management at the University of Liverpool
- STFC SHE information is regularly communicated by email - instructions on how to setup an email redirect from your STFC email account to your preferred email address can be found
Further information can be obtained either from the STFC SHE Group or from the local safety contact, Chris Dickinson (ext 3027)