Hybrid working involves attending both the workplace and working from home. Within STFC, different working models are in place, e.g. based at home but travel to site occasionally for face to face meetings, training etc. Other staff may be based on site but work from home when a need arises. Whatever the model, regular communication needs to be in place to ensure any concerns are dealt with quickly. Items to discuss: productivity, motivation, team interaction and employee wellbeing.
Before permitting home-working the employer must ensure that a risk assessment has been completed to ensure all potential hazards and risks have been properly considered.
STFC Guidance
Hybrid working generic RA - Note: This example RA covers the working from home element of hybrid working. If all controls for the Dept are the same then one risk assessment will be adequate. Individual risk assessments are only required when a staff member has a tailored control measure, e.g. due to an known underlying health condition.
Working from home checklist
Challenges with hybrid working
Strategies to deliver effective hybrid working in an organisation
Some staff are required to 'hot-desk' where no set desk is available to them. In this instance SHE would recommend this poster is positioned where staff can see it to act as a reminder on how to run through a checklist to ensure their workstation is adjusted to thier needs.
DSE Summary.pptx
Contact for STFC queries: Laura Davies
UKRI Guidance

Roles and responsibilities
| Lone working | Working at home